Pain & Stress Relief that Works
About Us
Flourish Wellness is a Willoughby-based Wellness Spa that has been providing holistic services for over 15 years. Our mission is to help individuals who are experiencing stress or pain by offering holistic solutions to improve their overall well-being.
Our Spa is equipped with experienced practitioners who understand the mind-body connection and uses approaches to empower the self, giving you added physical and mental strength that you never knew you had. embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth with us.

Our Services
Spinal Flow Techique

The Spinal Flow Technique (“Spinal Flow”) is a powerful modality that facilitates re-balancing of the body and its function without manually adjusting the spine or body. It consists of light touches on specific points on the body that consists of dura mater, a membrane that protects the brain and spinal cord. Spinal Flow is cutting edge science and healing arts.
The technique was founded by Dr Carli Axford, who studied over 50 modalities, including Network Spinal Analysis, applied kinesiology, Torque Release Technique, Sacro Occipital Technique, Neuro-Emotional Technique, Emotional Freedom Technique and Bio-Geometric Integration. Spinal Flow was created based on the 7 gateways of the spine and 33 access points which facilitate repair, regeneration and recovery via the nervous system.
Spinal Flow has helped with recovery from chronic pain, disc issues, anxiety, low energy, infertility, digestive issues, mental-emotional stress, sleep issues and more. We also see improvements in hyperactivity, tics and autism symptoms. Spinal Flow finds, identifies and releases layers of physical, chemical and emotional tension, effecting ease in the body. It also uncovers stored trauma that has been in the body for a long time, causing blockages, disease and illness. This hidden trauma resides in the spine or the nervous system; finding it allows the person to feel and discard it so that it does not continue to block them in life.
In addition, Spinal Flow facilitates the rebalancing of our nervous system by restoring our parasympathetic nervous system, which activates our innate ability to heal and regenerate. A balanced nervous system supports healthy brain function, mood and emotional stability and enhances physical health through supporting healthy digestion, detoxification and immune function, minimising pain and calming inflammation. When our parasympathetic nervous system is activated, our body goes into rest-digest-heal state, routing our blood flow to our organs of digestion and detoxification, slowing our heart rate, normalising our breathing, releasing stress that has been stored in our body, and our innate ability to heal and regenerate is reactivated.
“Everything you experience is interpreted by the nervous system; your brain, spinal cord (which flows through the spine), and spinal nerves. Loss of spinal motion and alignment therefore causes physical, emotional, and behavioural complaints.”
Benefits of Spinal Flow:
Calms the nervous system, relieving anxiety and promoting relaxation
Improves immune function and your resilience towards illness and stress
Improves focus and mental clarity
Relief daily stress from work, school, family, etc.
Reduces stiffness, aches and pain
Regulates breathing and improve oxygenation to the brain and body
Reduces muscle spasm
Increases nutrient flow and improves digestive function
Encourages tissue regeneration in our brain and body
As a result of exploring Spinal Flow, people experience a Spinal Flow healing wave where every cell of the body feels connected and free.
Spinal Flow is a fully approved technique, fully accredited by the International Institute of Complementary Therapists.
Crystal Light Bed
Coloured lights, chosen to match the frequency of the chakra colours, radiate light and energy through the crystals to the respective chakras to cleanse them and balance their energies. Benefits of Crystal Light Bed Therapy:
Stimulates and boosts the immune system at a high level
Lifts your energy vibration to assist your overall mental, physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing
Cleanses your chakras from any negative energies that have become attached to your energy field
Opens your chakra centres and cleanses any blockages that impede the vital flow of your life force into your vital body organs and body functions, through your meridians
Realigns, centres and corrects the spin of each chakra
Anti-aging – brings a youthful glow to the face and skin
Combats jet lag – eliminates the extreme tiredness and other physical effects felt after a long flight across different time zones
Feel inner peace Feel less stressed
Feel lighter
Feel much more energised
Feel overwhelming gratitude
Feel a deep relaxation
Experience increased self-confidence and a feeling of self-worth Improved sleep patterns
Gain a deeper spiritual understanding of yourself, and your life situation

Whole Body Vibration
Whole body vibration offers a range of benefits that can enhance your overall well-being:
improves muscle strength
increase flexibility
whole-body vibration three times a week may aid weight loss, burn fat, improve flexibility, enhance blood flow, reduce muscle soreness after exercise, build strength and decrease the stress hormone cortisol.
But comprehensive research about whole-body vibration is lacking. It's not yet clear if whole-body vibration provides the same range of health benefits as exercise you actively engage in, such as walking, biking or swimming.
Some research does show that whole-body vibration may help improve muscle strength and that it may help with weight loss when you also cut back on calories.
Whole-body vibration may also have a role beyond sports and fitness. Some research shows that whole-body vibration, when performed correctly and under medical supervision when needed, can:
Reduce back pain
Improve strength and balance in older adults
Reduce bone loss
Hydrogen Inhalation

Welcome to the forefront of wellness innovation with Hydrogen Therapy. With our Molecular Hydrogen, we harness the antioxidant properties of molecular hydrogen to combat oxidative stress, inflammation, allergies, offering you a comprehensive solution for optimal wellness and vitality on a cellular level.
Benefits of Hydrogen Therapy:
Defends against all oxidative stress
Reduces inflammation
Boosts immune function
Provides relief from allergies
Promotes cellular function
​Improves digestion
​Reduces pain
Improves skin
Increase overall function of the body & mind
Promotes energy & stamina